Open-access Health Services Capacities for Hospital Births in Costa Rican

<span name="style_bold">Objective: </span>To evaluate the resoluteness of delivery care of low complex public Costa Rican hospitals. <span name="style_bold">Methods: </span>Clinical and administrative data come from Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social for 2012. The vaginal deliveries and caesarean sections rates are calculated. In addition, the bed productivity, obstetrics length of stay management, and appropriateness of delivery care are estimated. <span name="style_bold">Results: </span>There is more variability in vaginal births rate resolution (95 % to 65 % range) than caesarean sections rate resolution (90 % to 4 % range). Two hospitals have longer length of stay than expected according to the case-mix. Three hospitals have significantly higher caesarean section rates than the national rate, which are not explained by their case-mix. <span name="style_bold">Discussion: </span>The high variability of caesarean sections rate resolution reflects a disproportion between the number of specialists per room and imbalances human resources needed for care delivery. This situation cause that a lot of low complexity caesarean sections and vaginal deliveries are solved in high complexity regional and national hospitals.The high variability of caesarean sections rate resolution reflects a disproportion between the number of specialists per room and imbalances human resources needed for care delivery. This situation cause that a lot of low complexity caesarean sections and vaginal deliveries are solved in high complexity regional and national hospitals.

Cesarean section; Hospitalization; Management Indicators

None Apdo. 4685-1000, San José, Costa Rica, San José, San José, CR, 4685-1000, 22338063, 22230333 - E-mail:
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