Open-access <span name="style_bold">Opiniones sobre las drogas de los estudiantes de 6° grado de la escuela Finca Guararí. Heredia (Costa Rica)</span>: <span name="style_bold">Estudio descriptivo de tipo transversal</span>

Introduction: Today, the importance attached to lecturing the issue of addiction in the school population requires strategic mechanisms from education to health, intersectoral institutions and family support, which enable to have constant feedback between young people to acquire the necessary life skills to empower their health through the responsible control of their conduct, hand in hand with decision making and positive values.   Objective: To know the main views regarding the issue of drug abuse among the population of sixth graders Guararí Villa School in Heredia, during the months of May and June 2010, was the stated objective in this case. Material and methods: The type of research design used was descriptive, transversal respective instrument was applied to 114 students, aged between 11 and 16, Villa Guararí School in Heredia.   Results: Young people see the media and families as important means to access information on drug addiction, also documents the pressures of friends and family problems as situations that entail greater youth consumption drugs. They believe that drugs which are more accessible to young people today are so-called socially accepted drug, in this case the alcohol and cigarettes, and finally more than 50% of the population analysed claim to keep attention in this topic.   Conclusion: It is essential to ensure the standing of values related to healthy life styles; and to provide instructive tools, recreation and family support, to this population so they may be able to stay away from this global problem and counter its’ potential criminal effect.

Drug abuse; addiction; life skills

None Apdo. 187-3007 San Joaquín de Flores , Heredia Costa Rica, San Joaquin de Flores, Heredia, CR, 187-3007, 2277-4128 - E-mail:
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