Open-access Laberintos de orgullo (Labyrinths of Pride), by Rosa María Britton: Identity, Memory and Writing in the New Historical Novel of Central America


As a simple of the aesthetic, literary and identity proposals offered by the "new historical novel" of Central America, the purpose of this paper is to give a par ticular reading to the novel Laberintos de orgullo, (Labyrinths of Pride) by the Panamanian writer Rosa María Britton. The objective is to show the particular features of the new Central American historical novel, as well as the singularities of the region's writing in connection to the construction of identities in a context known to be diverse. How the writers think and put into writing their self-images in the "new historical novel", how they have pictured their history, cultures and symbols, in which ways they explicit the relation between history and fiction is the main issue this study aims to approach.

Key words: Laberintos de orgullo; Rosa María Britton; novel histórica; Central American novel; Central American culture

None Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Cartago, Caratgo, CR, 159-7050, 2250-9102, 2550-9024 - E-mail:
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