The central motivation of this essay lies in explaining the way in which the representation of the Caribbean territory of Guatemala was constructed since 1871. This orientation entails questioning the way in which the official denominated this space, which implies inquiring about the discursive, ideological and politician to name it "Atlantic". This refers to reviewing the trends in urban settlement movements and the construction of communication routes since colonial times. Underlying the thesis that the aforementioned denomination obeys a certainty on the part of liberal intellectuals to denominate the Caribbean space in the aforementioned way, considering that the waters bathe it constitute a common space with Western Europe, a civilizing paradigm. The reproduction of this appreciation takes place with the persistence of an exclusive discourse that led to the assumption of the region as a "window" towards Europe, ignoring the immediate context.
Keywords Atlántico; department of Izabal; municipality of Livingston; national identity; speeches