Open-access <b>Osteopoikilosis</b>: <b>Report of a case and review of the current literature</b>

A 19-year-old-male from Guápiles with history of congenital torticollis and obstructive urolithiasis was seen in the orthopedic clinic because of symetrical hyperostic spots in both hips and sacroilliac joints detected incidentally when an intravenous pyelogram was performed on the patient. The patient manifested pain in both lower limbs of several months&#8217; length. Hip and knee radiographs showed symmetrical sclerotic bone lesions suggestive of osteopoikilosis. A bone gammagraphy study showed no pathological findings. The possibility of any other associated medical condition was ruled out. Osteopoikilosis requires no medical treatment.

osteopoikilosis; displasia; osteosclerosis

None Apdo. 548-1000, Sabana Sur, San José, Costa Rica, San José, San José, CR, 504-1000, 2210-2200, 22102279 - E-mail:
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