Open-access Brotes de diarrea e intoxicaciones transmitidas por alimentos en Costa Rica, 2005

<span name="style_bold">Justification and objective:</span>Food borne diseases   ncluding diarrhea and food poisoning represent one of the major public health problems worldwide, since they cause high morbidity and mortality, generate great health service and economic losses, law suits and consumer distrust. This study analyze information available in the Bacteriology National Reference Center from INCIENSA, regarding diarrhea and food poisoning outbreaks that took place in the year 2005, where clinical and/or food samples were sent to INCIENSA in order to identify the agents and vehicles associated with the infections. <span name="style_bold">Materials and methods:</span>A descriptive analysis of the laboratory and epidemiological data concerning the 2005 foodborne intoxications and diarrheal outbreaks was performed. <span name="style_bold">  Results:</span>During 2005, CNRB documented a total of 23 diarrheal outbreaks and food poisonings for an approximate total of 819 cases, mainly from the Great Metropolitan Area. Thirteen of the outbreaks were intra-familiar (ten of them due to different <span name="style_italic">Shigella</span> species and serotypes); however, the largest number of cases was found in community outbreaks and in captive populations, associated with rotavirus, enterotoxigenic<span name="style_italic"> Escherichia coli </span>and toxin A producer <span name="style_italic">Clostridium perfringens</span>, with 518, 138 and 54 cases respectively. <span name="style_bold"> Conclusion: </span>These findings suggest deficiencies in the transportation, conservation and manipulation food chain, including personal hygiene and could be useful for the implementation of immediate interventions.These findings suggest deficiencies in the transportation, conservation and manipulation food chain, including personal hygiene and could be useful for the implementation of immediate interventions.

diarrhea; alimentary intoxications

None Apdo. 548-1000, Sabana Sur, San José, Costa Rica, San José, San José, CR, 504-1000, 2210-2200, 22102279 - E-mail:
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