Open-access Molecular identification of the fungus Colletotrichum spp., insolated from banana (Musa spp) in high lands from Turrialba and determination of their sensitivity to postharvest fungicides

Anthracnose is one of the most serious banana post-harvest diseases. A total of 25 <span name="style_italic">Colletotrichum</span> isolates were obtained from banana fruits grown in 5 areas in Turrialba County, Costa Rica; 5 isolates per area. Isolates were characterized on the basis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using species-specific primers of the ITS region and ß-tubulin, gene, and their in vitro sensitivities to the fungicides thiabendazole, imazalil and myclobutanil at 0.1, 1.0, 10.0 y 100.0 µ<span name="style_sup">-1</span>. All isolates were identified as <span name="style_italic">Colletotrichum</span> gloeosporioides and were sensitive to thiabendazole, whereas most isolates showed a marked reduction in sensitivity to imazalil and myclobutanil. gloeosporioides and were sensitive to thiabendazole, whereas most isolates showed a marked reduction in sensitivity to imazalil and myclobutanil.

Anthracnose; PCR; postharvest; thiabendazole; imazalil; miclobutanil

None Universidad de Costa Rica. Campus Universitario Rodrígo Facio. Ciudad de la Investigación Finca 2, San José, San José, CR, 11501, 25112080 - E-mail:
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