Open-access Development of a natural mouthwash from organic Zingiberaceas extracts available in Costa Rica


This article presents an innovative totally natural mouth wash formulated with essential oils of Curcuma longa-Linn and Zingiber officinale-Roscoe (Hawaiian variety). The formulation essay output was evaluated with a sensorial test using a hedonic scale to choose between two alternatives: a plain or pungent base. Biomolecules present in the blend are considered in previous investigations as a nutraceutical, include anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties validated in oral applications, the product improves the oral hygiene and works well for teeth and gums. The global market puts on a trend this kind of product, it has high potential considering the oral preventive health capability.

Keywords: Natural mouthwash; gingivitis; bacterial plaque; dentistry; oral health; turmeric; ginger

None Cartago, Costa Rica, Cartago, Cartago, Costa Rica, CR, 159-7050 , 25502336, 25525354 - E-mail:
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