Open-access Desarrollo de Plataforma UAS de Ala Fija con ascenso/descenso vertical para aplicaciones fotogramétricas

Development of Vertical Takeoff and Landing fixed-wing UAS Platform for Photogrammetry Applications


This paper describes the development of a fixed-wing vertical-takeoff-and-landing (VTOL) platform for photogrammetric applications with the open autopilot Pixhawk 2. The general functionality and the results obtained with the integrated platform are explained, as well as the results obtained through test flights. The developed prototype was able to execute autonomous missions and obtain georeferenced images with good photogrammetric quality for the conformation of products such as orthomosaics digital elevation models (DEMs).

Keywords Drones; fixed wing; photogrammetry; remote sensors; unmanned aerial system; vertical take-off and landing

None Cartago, Costa Rica, Cartago, Cartago, Costa Rica, CR, 159-7050 , 25502336, 25525354 - E-mail:
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