Open-access Entrepreneurial ecosytem of the University of València


This article is part of the process of describing, and resources that strive to capture, generate and manage analyzing, and exploring the Incubation and Technology talent and the academic knowledge available, to see who Transfer Model of the University of València towards the doers are and how they do it, as well if they are able the Valencian society, in order to find anchoring points to transfer the research results into products, services, for initiatives, including improvement of services and processes, technological innovations, etc., in the different procedures defined and proposed by the University itself. areas of sectoral application. Our work concludes with a The University of València, in its 2016-2019 strategic plan, constructive comment that emphasizes the need to balance is defined as "a university that promotes basic and applied the generated ecosystem leading it to the establishment of research, and scientific and technological development", the financial factor, and points to the need of finding "new" whose aim is "to value the results of the investigation". ways to implement the transfer process, with the purpose of To this end, it has developed an ecosystem of services generating an effective flow towards business.

Keywords: Transfer; ecosystem; entrepreneurship; knowledge

None Escuela de Administración de Empresas del Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Cartago, Cartago, CR, 159-7050, 506 25509052, (506)-2550-2248 - E-mail:
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