Open-access Women and Art as a Way of Self deconstruction: An Implicit Debate


The initial debate raised in this article looks to recognize the several ways of deconstruction that every woman re- discovers from her own space; without necessarily being involved in political decisions nor being a self- proclaimed feminist. Also; that being part of a more indepth research process; close to the artists; leads to the need to retrieve and share the ways which they; as female Costa Rican artists (who were part of the group that was interviewed) have developed; reinvented and redefined and how these have become invaluable contributions to the breaking process. A process which undoubtedly helps and adds to the actions that challenge and transgress inequality within the movement of the performing arts.

Key words: Inequality and art; women artists invisibility; women artists; art and Feminism; art women deconstruction; corporalities.

None Centro de Investigación en Cultura y Desarrollo (CICDE), Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), San José, San José, CR, 11503, 2253 6008 ext. 119, 2224-7834 - E-mail:
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