Open-access Intersectional violence and spiritualities in the life of Mesoamerican women as theoretical and practical problem


The theoretical-practical link can be understood from the distinction established by Herrera Flores (2005b) between the “generalized other” and the “concrete other” to indicate that, deep down, the theoretical-practical leads to the understanding of human subjects embodied in a socio-historical context. From this perspective, said link helps comprehend the relation between intersectional violence and the spirituality of Mesoamerican women following genealogies produced by the Centro de Comunicación Voces Nuestras (Voces Nuestras Communication Center) (2002-2013). The intention is to justify that this intersectional violence can be seen from the emancipation response of these women to fight and resist. These responses correspond to spirituality while condensing sources of spiritual authority, certainty schemes, and particular styles in the life projects of these women.

Key words: Intersectionalit; spiritualities; another widespread; another concrete

None Centro de Investigación en Cultura y Desarrollo (CICDE), Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), San José, San José, CR, 11503, 2253 6008 ext. 119, 2224-7834 - E-mail:
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