Open-access Perceptions of the Costa Rican Population about the Referendum and the Implementation of the CAFTA Ten years after its Approval


  In 2007, the referendum on the CAFTA-DR was carried out in Costa Rica. This has been one of the most conflictive social and political conjunctures in recent Costa Rican history. Due to this, the perception of the Costa Rican population about this treaty is analyzed after ten years of its approval. Among the main results it is observed that the CAFTA-DR is a subject that still polarizes the Costa Rican public opinion; likewise, the majority criterion of the population is that this commercial treaty has benefited large national and foreign entrepreneurs, and has had little or no benefit for consumers and small entrepreneurs. In addition, the population perceives that it was the academic discussion that had the most influence at the time of deciding their vote.

Key words: Costa Rica; CAFTA; Referendum; public opinion; commerce

None Centro de Investigación en Cultura y Desarrollo (CICDE), Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), San José, San José, CR, 11503, 2253 6008 ext. 119, 2224-7834 - E-mail:
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