Open-access Metodo de ecuación  por  patrones  para la solución de scattering electromagnético  por partículas axialmente  simétricas con  impedancia de superficie anisotrópica  compleja

The pattern equation method (PEM) has been extended to solve the scattering  problems  of electromagnetic  waves by particles with mixed anisotropic surface impedance.  Thus, the anisotropic impedance boundary conditions are imposed  on lateral surface of the particle, and  isotropic  impedance  boundary conditions  are  imposed  on end faces of the particle.  The method is formulated for axially-symmetric bodies. The scattering characteristics of the bodies with artificially soft and hard  lateral surfaces are presented. The comparison  of the results  with  those  obtained  by  other  methods  is carried  out. The analysis  of convergence’s  rate of numerical  algorithm  of the PEM and  accuracy  of numerical  calculations are presented. Comparison of our data with numerical  results  obtained  earlier  by the PEM  in absence of an anisotropic impedance  is carried out.

Problemas de scattering; método de ecuaciones  de patrones; impedancia   anisotrópica; superficies  artificiales suaves  y  duras; cuerpos con superficie de impedancia  anisotrópica

None Revista de Matemática, CIMPA, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2060 San José, Costa Rica. , San José, San José, CR, 2060, 2511-5889, 2511-4918 - E-mail:
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