Open-access BOT0210, a support tool for teaching. The experience of the Information Technologies Chair at UNED, Costa Rica


Technological growth along with the new communication models call for different actions to manage teaching at a higher education level; specially now, considering the notable social distancing situation currently lived due to the pandemic caused by the virus responsible for COVID-19. In these sense, taking into account the extent of the most intuitive technological tools, it is possible to consider that Artificial Intelligence (AI) could actually be a teaching complement which accelerates communication processes in the training of students. The importance of this study lies at the root of socializing the experiences of designing and implementing a chatbot in the teaching-learning processes developed during the present health emergency in order to alleviate the teacher’s attention hours, thus creating more time for the academic chores of their teaching subject. The aforesaid, gives birth to the interest in this exploratory and descriptive research, based on the application of the chatbot called “BOT0210” in the Information Technology Chair of the UNED of Costa Rica. The tool was used by a sample consisting of 202 participants, during the first semester of 2020. Among the obtained findings and according to the information provided, the frequent use and positive impressions of the “BOT02010” were highlighted by the student population and the teaching staff regarding the activities and logistics of the subject for which the virtual assistant was created to support teaching staff management.

Key Words: Apps; Artificial Intelligence; communication; teaching; educational aids; COVID-19

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