Open-access Academic and administrative management of the Agricultural Engineering major at UNED and associated research and extension processes in times of COVID-19


As a consequence of the declaration of a global pandemic and the Executive Decree of health emergency throughout the territory of Costa Rica, face-to-face academic activities were suspended and the authorities implemented a remote work modality in most of the institutions, in order to avoid a massive and early contagion. In this context, Costa Rica’s State Distance Learning University (Universdidad Estatal a Distancia, UNED) maximized the use of virtual resources to enhance the distance education model and allow the Agronomic Engineering major to continue with its administrative academic management without affecting the quality of the teaching-learning processes, as well as both of the research and extension programs. To do this, mediated methodological strategies were implemented to offer students the educational experience through virtual, simulated and contextualized activities. Therefore, the following document presents the systematization of the main actions implemented by UNED’s Agronomic Engineering undergraduate program as a response to the pandemic, as well as the results obtained and their corresponding reflective analysis.

Key Words:  virus; teaching; distance learning; agricultural science; COVID-19

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