Open-access Trade relations between par aguay and the european union: effects of the gener alized system of preferences plus (1999-2018)


This research aims to determine the effects of the Generalized System of Preferences Plus (GSP+) in the relations between Paraguay and the European Union (EU) from 1999-2018. The methodology followed was bibliographic-documentary research, with a quantitative approach. The main results indicate that, compared to the generalized preference schemes, the EU GSP + showed excellent results. In addition, trade relations during the validity of the system in question had a substantial increase, in terms of the level and diversification of exports. Likewise, the coefficient estimated in the model to show the effect of SGP+ was positive and its magnitude was the highest of the variables analyzed in the model.

Keywords: European Union; integration, international trade, trade relations; Generalized Scheme of Preferences Plus; Paraguay

None Heredia, Costa Rica, Heredia, Heredia , CR, 86-3000, 2562-4159 , 2562-4165 - E-mail:
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