Open-access Theoretical reflections on mobility and sustainable urban planning applied to the Greater Metropolitan Area, Costa Rica


In Costa Rica and in particular in the Greater Metropolitan Area (GAM), most of the studies on the subject of inter-modality and transportation raise proposals related to the right to mobility and the implementation of inter-modality, however, they do not establish the feasibility to execute it. Also, the analysis of the theoretical issues and the approach under which they are oriented are left aside. This article proposes a series of theoretical reflections on important concepts and principles of urban mobility, based on the methodology of strategic city planning and under the sustainable urban planning approach. From the principles of continuity and connectivity that seek to promote the movement and displacement of people, goods and services, this article considered the approach of the concept of urban corridor as a strategy for mobility. It's included, a brief study of urban morphology and a circulation model (in a sector of the Greater Metropolitan Area). The results evidenced the GAM's limited capacity to promote interconnections between different places.

Keywords: urban mobility; sustainable urban planning; inter-modality; urban morphology; urban corridor

None Heredia, Costa Rica., Heredia, Heredia, Costa Rica, CR, 86-3000, 22773283, 88111974/ 88761213 - E-mail:
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