Open-access Susceptibilidad al deslizamiento en el corredor Siquirres-Turrialba

Landslide susceptibility in the Siquirres-Turrialba corridor

A landslide suceptibility zonation was performed in a 10 km wide corridor along the RECOPE pipeline between the cites of Siquirres and Turrialba. The total study area is 330 km². Analysis was based on aerial photointerpretation, bibliographic research and the application of the Mora-Vahrson method (Mora et al., 1992), in which slope was used instead of the internal relief parameter. A landslide inventory map was included in the evaluation of the lithological suceptibility parameter. Zonation resulted in a predominance of areas with low landslide susceptibility (33,9%), mostly located where Tuis Formation is present, south east of the study area, followed by Suretka Formation and partially Andesitas Poás.

susceptibilidad; deslizamientos; poliducto; Siquirres; Turrialba; RECOPE; Mora-Vahrson

None Universidad de Costa Rica. Campus Universitario Rodrigo Facio, San Pedro, San José, CR, 214-2060, 2511-0000, 2511-4000 - E-mail:
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