Open-access Banished, Migrants, Refugees, Expatriates... The Exiles in Elena Garro's Short Story


Spatial and temporal distancing characterizes Elena Garro's work and biography. It's a constant topic, synthesized with the term ''exile'', applied as a guideline for analyzing a set of stories. Beginning with definitions and reflections about exile, as well as a discussion about such a condition in the author, to later analyze the theme in the stories, as a narrative construction and communicative purpose. In La semana de colores, the characters who leave their place of origin for declared reasons will predominate: economic and emotional; the world of childhood is established as a construction of the paradise from which the adult has been banished. While in Andamos huyendo Lola, the issue of distancing already acquires a central place in the concerns of the characters. The conclusions propose a vision of the theme as a resource for an interpretation of the common elements in this portion of Elena Garro's work.

Keywords Elena Garro; short story; exile; migration; character

None Oficina 144, Facultad de Letras, Universidad de Costa Rica, Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, San José, San José, Costa Rica, CR, 2060, 8920 0464, 8375 1347 - E-mail:
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