Open-access Freemasonry and Fascism in Italy (1917-1943)


At this conference, the relationship between freemasonry and fascism in Italy between 1917 and 1943 has been analyzed. This relationship has thus far been generally shrouded by myths and legends, forcing historians to reconsider the period and the major milestones in its history. Were Freemasonry and Fascism incompatible? When? How? For whom? The nuances are numerous and crucial to understanding that specific time and place, just as in other contexts, which on many occasions shared the same names and features. Mussolini sailed into troubled waters, taking advantage of them as it suited him. What did he do?

Keywords: Freemasonry; Fascism; Mussolini; Italy

None Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, Universidad de Costa Rica, San josé, San Pedro, Montes de Oca , San José, San Pedro, Montes de Oca , CR, 2300 , 2511-5397 - E-mail:
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