Open-access The Catholic Church and Masonry: Theological Incompatibility?

La Iglesia católica y la masonería: ¿Incompatibilidad teológica?


This paper’s approach is eminently canonic: this means, we expose and analyze the current canonic legislation on masonry or, more specifically, on Catholics followers that do not belong to any masonic groups. From there, and as expressed before, we shall discover the theological reasons stated by the Church to justify the penal and disciplinary norm and if the simultaneous belonging to both institutions is theologically compatible. We hope this contributes to a better clarification of the terms in which this dialogue is currently being held.

Keyword: Catholic Church; freemasonry; theology; canon law; regulations

None Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, Universidad de Costa Rica, San josé, San Pedro, Montes de Oca , San José, San Pedro, Montes de Oca , CR, 2300 , 2511-5397 - E-mail:
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