Open-access The insertion of a Spanish obedience in the United States: the Sovereign Council of the General Iberian and Symbolic Grand Lodge of Spain (1892-1898)


This paper is a modest contribution to a unique subject: The dissemination and settlement of a Spanish obedience, the Sovereign Council of the General Iberian and Symbolic Grand Lodge of Spain for the first time in United States of America at the end of the 19th century (1892-1898). Divided into three parts, the first one is a short overview of the origins and contents of the Spanish obedience during the last decade of the 19th century. In the second part, we study its chronology by following the historical discourse outlined in its bulletins. The whole process is interrupted by the 1898 Spanish American war. In the third part, we offer some conclusions and have attached an appendix with the list of lodges and the names of the American freemasons that were succinctly mentioned in this obedience’s bulletins.

Keywords: Iberian Grand Orient; Bulletin of Proceedings; expansion; United States; 19th century

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