Open-access Freemasonry at election times: The phenomenon of Bronco and anti- Masonry at Nuevo Leon, Mexico (2015)


In Mexico’s state elections of 2015, Jaime Rodríguez Calderón “Bronco” astounded the public by winning the election to become governor of Nuevo León. Near to the end of the campaign, some videos appeared on YouTube identifying “Bronco” as a mason, adjudicating a series of religious, moral, political and social messages. This article analyzes these videos in the context of the perceptions about masonry in Mexico. I conclude that given a social and historical construction of the meaning of masonry in Mexico, an antimasonic political and electoral trend has emerged, with the objective of influencing voter’s intentions and manipulating social perceptions.

Keywords: Bronco; Mexico; Freemasonry; Anti-Freemasonry; elections

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