Open-access <span name="style_bold">León Tolstoi</span>: <span name="style_bold">La masonería como símbolo dentro de una alegoría</span>

This article is an attempt to reconcile literary criticism's perspective with those of historical analysis. Since literary artwork desired outcome is not to mirror reality, it cannot be considered a historical source in a traditional sense. But this does not imply that it cannot be historicized. The understanding of a literary text rests upon its link -contextualized within its own horizon- with the world it tries to represent. This link is manifested through its symbolic character; a bridge between the world represented in the artwork and our own.

Tolstoi; allegory; symbol; hermeneutics; literary criticism; nationalism

None Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, Universidad de Costa Rica, San josé, San Pedro, Montes de Oca , San José, San Pedro, Montes de Oca , CR, 2300 , 2511-5397 - E-mail:
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