Open-access Spanish political refugees in Lazaro Cardenas Lodge Number 3, of the Grand Orient of Spain in exile in Mexico: A success of national and international masonic networks


This paper shows that the Spanish exiled in Mexico and the reorganization of the Grande Oriente Español was made possible through masonic networks in various spheres of power, political, governmental, military, and diplomatic, at several levels, from local to international. And that, the creation of the Lodge of Spanish political refugees Lázaro Cárdenas No. 3, was an achievement of these networks; in the context of the geopolitical relations of the Mexican government with that of Spain, that was changing due to the republican defeat and the criminalization of Freemasonry and Communism by Francoism.

keywords: Freemasonry; Geopolitics; Lázaro Cárdenas; Political refugees; Spanish Exiles

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