Purpose: This bibliographic essay analyzes the perspectives and recent research on feedback. The central argument supports the importance of studying the phenomenon from this approach to deepen what the teacher-student interaction is like and how students participate, interpret, and use the feedback information to build knowledge.
Discussion: The debate focuses on the criticism of the information transmission approach that limits feedback as a monological-unidirectional practice centered on the teacher. In contrast, the socio-constructivist approach understands it as a social phenomenon in which teachers and students interact. However, both perspectives reduce the discussion to the search for a generic model for good practices and limit its function to the achievement of learning as a cognitive product.
Conclusions: It is important to enrich the study in the field from a pedagogical and social approach that assumes feedback as an interactive to problematize the dominant perspectives that define its action as a cognitive product related to academic performance in educational contexts.
Keywords: Feedback; feedback approaches; pedagogical-dialogical approach; bibliographic essay