Open-access Knowledge, attitudes and practices against the dengue fever promoted by Costa Rican media

<span name="style_bold">Objective: </span>To determine if the promote journalistic content written mediacollective Costa Rica contribute to strengthen the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the population in relation to dengue. <span name="style_bold">Method: </span>The study covered 269 articles which were published over the years 2006, 2007, and 2008 in 12 written media. <span name="style_bold">Result: </span>According to the analysis, knowledge on the dengue fever is reinforced in 66.6% of the stories, while only 33.39% of them promote attitudes and practices to help mitigate the impact of the disease in Costa Rica. <span name="style_bold">Conclusion: </span>This research shows, following a content analysis, that Costa Rican written media highlight information against the dengue fever, reinforcing related topics with knowledge.This research shows, following a content analysis, that Costa Rican written media highlight information against the dengue fever, reinforcing related topics with knowledge.

Health Knowledge; Attitudes; Practice; Dengue; Costa Rica

None Apdo. 4685-1000, San José, Costa Rica, San José, San José, CR, 4685-1000, 22338063, 22230333 - E-mail:
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