Open-access El continuo de salud mental durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en población general de adultos argentinosThe mental health continuum during the Covid-19 pandemic in a general population of Argentine adults


The people’s mental health analysis in SARS-Cov-2 pandemic context constitutes a highly relevant challenge for current psychology. The present research had two goals, firstly to analyze the associations between the mental health continuum and symptoms of anxiety, depression and intolerance to uncertainty in Argentine adults in the COVID-19 pandemic, and secondly to compare the levels of emotional, psychological and social well-being according to psychological assistance in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study included a sample of 1120 adults between 18 and 84 years of age (Mage 37.32, SD = 14.81), 60.1% women and 39.9% men. The results reported that the associations between levels of emotional, psychological, social and total well-being and symptoms of depression and intolerance of uncertainty were negative and significant. However, the correlations with anxiety symptoms were positive and significant. Significant differences were found in the levels of emotional, psychological, social and total well-being according to attendance to psychotherapeutic treatment. In all cases, people who attended psychotherapeutic treatment showed higher levels of well-being compared to those who did not. It is concluded that people who were in the flourishing mental health category and underwent psychotherapeutic treatment showed lower indicators of depression and intolerance to uncertainty.

Keywords: Mental health continuum; SARS-Cov-2 pandemic; Anxiety; Depression; Intolerance to uncertainty

None Carretera Vieja a Tres Ríos Pinares de Curridabat, San José, Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica,San José,Curridabat, CR, 8238-1000, 2271 3101, 2271 0819 - E-mail:
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