nd 31ST Scientific Meeting of the Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean (AMLC) |
nd Welcome LeGore, Steve |
nd Schedule of Oral Presentations |
nd Poster Presentations |
nd Development and field application of a molecular probe for the primary pathogen of the coral disease white plague type II Richardson, Laurie L Mills, DeEtta K Remily, Elizabeth R Voss, Joshua D |
nd The distribution and abundance of wetland ichthyofauna,and exploitation of the fisheries in the Godineau Swamp,Trinidad -Case study Ramsundar, Himawatee |
nd Chlorophyll a and turbidity patterns over coral reefs systems of La Parguera Natural Reserve,Puerto Ricoand turbidity patterns over coral reefs systems of La Parguera Natural Reserve,Puerto Rico Otero, Ernesto Carbery, Kelly K |
nd Heavy metals in sediments,mussels and oysters from Trinidad and Venezuela Rojas de Astudillo, L Chang Yen, I Bekele, I |
nd Effects of herbicide on the kidneys of two Venezuelan cultured fish: Caquetaia kraussii and Colossoma macropomum (Pisces:Ciclidae and Characeae) Segnini de Bravo, M.I Medina, J Marcano, S Finol, H.J Boada-Sucre, A |
nd The occurrence of black corals in Jamaican reef environments, with special reference to Stichopathes lutkeni (Antipatharia:Antipathidae) Warner, G.F |
nd Fenología y ciclo de vida del alga Gracilariopsis tenuifrons (Gracilariaceae)en Sucre,Venezuela Brito L, Leonor Silva, Soraida |
nd Coral recruitment patterns in the Florida Keys Moulding, Alison L |
nd Patterns of sexual recruitment of acroporid coral populations on the West Fore Reef at Discovery Bay,Jamaica Quinn, Norman J Kojis, Barbara L |
nd Transplantation of benthic species to mitigate impacts of coastal development in Jamaica Gayle, Peter M.H Wilson-Kelly, Peter Green, Sean |
nd Aerial and Tidal Transport of Mosquito Control Pesticides into the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Pierce, R.H Henry, M.S Blum, T.C Mueller, E.M |
nd Organization and operation of the marine ornamental fish and invertebrate export fishery in Puerto Rico LeGore, Richard S Hardin, Mark P Ter-Ghazaryan, Diana |
nd Linking larval history to juvenile demography in the bicolor damselfish Stegastes partitus (Perciformes:Pomacentridae) Nemeth, Richard S |
nd Determination of the distribution of shallow-water seagrass and drift algae communities with acoustic seafloor discrimination Riegl, B Moyer, R.P Morris, L Virnstein, R Dodge, R.E |
nd Summit-to-Sea mapping and change detection using satellite imagery: tools for conservation and management of coral reefs Shapiro, A.C Rohmann, S.O |
nd A Geographic Information System (GIS)analysis for trace metal assessment of sediments in the Gulf of Paria,Trinidad Ragbirsingh, Yosha Norville, Wendy |
nd Biomass,litterfall and decomposition rates for the fringed Rhizophora mangle forest lining the Bon Accord Lagoon,Tobago Juman, Rahanna A |
nd The structure and productivity of the Thalassia testudinum community in Bon Accord Lagoon,Tobago Juman, Rahanna A |
nd Environmental education in Tobago s primary schools: a case study of coral reef education Armstrong, Hyacinth G |
nd Beach dynamics and nest distribution of the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea )at Grande Riviere Beach,Trinidad &Tobago Lee Lum, Lori |