Open-access Mariposas diurnas y nocturnas (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae) del Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona, Pacífico Colombiano

Butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae) at the Natural National Park Gorgona, Colombian Pacific

<span name="style_bold"> </span>Gorgona is a continental island at the Pacific coast of Colombia. For 26 years it was a prison but in 1986 it was declared a National Park, and the land was left aside for natural succession. This study presents a list of its Lepidoptera, compares it to a former study and discusses some ecological factors that could promote <span name="style_italic">in situ</span> biodiversity. Butterflies and moths were collected during three trips from October 2010 to May 2011. Butterfly observations were carried out along the main island paths. Baited traps using decomposed fruit, fish and chicken, were installed for three days at each zone (two kinds of bait per site) and sweep net catches were also made between 09:00h and 18:00h. For moths, black and white light traps were located in open areas. Town lights were also checked daily. Percent canopy cover was measured at each collection point. A total of 52 species belonging to seven families were found, of which 30 butterfly and 11 moth species are new records for the island. Cerro Trinidad and Sendero Chonta (22 and 20 species, respectively) were the richest places. Species richness did not decrease with canopy cover. H<span name="style_italic">eliconious sara</span> and <span name="style_italic">Aeria eurimedia</span> were the dominant species, but their distribution did not overlap. Three species were the most widely distributed in the island: <span name="style_italic">H. sara</span> (11 sites, 166 individuals), <span name="style_italic">Calycopis cerata</span> (10 sites, 71 individuals) and <span name="style_italic">Ae. eurimedia </span>(nine sites, 72 individuals). <span name="style_italic">Catoblepia xanthicles occidentalis</span> was found 87 years after the last report. Most species accumulation curves were not asymptotic suggesting that the diversity of the island is higher than expected. This study found twice as much the number of butterflies species reported for Gorgona and is the first record of moths for the island. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (Suppl. 1): 317-328. Epub 2014 February 01. was found 87 years after the last report. Most species accumulation curves were not asymptotic suggesting that the diversity of the island is higher than expected. This study found twice as much the number of butterflies species reported for Gorgona and is the first record of moths for the island. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (Suppl. 1): 317-328. Epub 2014 February 01.

Colombia; mariposas; inventario; polillas; parque nacional; isla

None Universidad de Costa Rica. Escuela de Biología, 2060 San José, Costa Rica, San Pedro, San José, CR, 2060, 2511-5500 , 2511-5550 - E-mail:
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