Open-access A new species of Celestus from west-central Panama, with consideration of the status of the genera of the Anguidae: Diploglossinae (Squamata)

A recently discovered new species of diploglossine lizard is described from west-central Panama. The distinctiveness of the nominal genera Celestus and Diploglossus is confirmed; the new form represents the southernmost record for the genus Celestus. A summary of selected characteristics and general distribution is presented for all recent species of diploglossines, including members of the Antillean genera Saurisia and Wetmorea and the South American genus Ophiodes. A systematic key to mainland members of the genus Celestus is provided. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (2): 845-859. Epub 2008 June 30.

Anguids; Squamata; Anguidae; Caribbean; Central America; new species; Panama

None Universidad de Costa Rica. Escuela de Biología, 2060 San José, Costa Rica, San Pedro, San José, CR, 2060, 2511-5500 , 2511-5550 - E-mail:
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