Open-access Interrelationships between the meaning of life, physical activity, social support network, age, and gender in older adults


Introduction. Older adults attending daycare centers are in an environment in which different variables are interrelated and could shape their meaning of life, among other aspects. Objective: To analyze the associations between the meaning of life, physical activity, social support network, age, and gender in seven-day centers in the province of Heredia, Costa Rica. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional quantitative study. Seventy-seven older adults were recruited from seven-day centers. The variables investigated were the meaning of life, physical activity, social support network, age, and gender. Self-reports were collected and researchers clarified any doubts. Results: 46% of the participants reported a meaningless life and 36% low levels of physical activity. Significant associations were found between social support network and meaning of life (. = .91; . <.001), age and social support network (. = .30 . = .048), and social support and female gender (. = -6.08, . = .010). Conclusions: The social support network is a predictor of the meaning of life and age and gender predict the social support network, but not the physical activity reported in the variables investigated.

Keywords Quality of life; Sense of Life; Social Network; Physical Activity; Older Adult

None Centro Centroamericano de Población Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San José, CR, 2060, 25111452, 25111450 - E-mail:
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