Open-access Chronic Bi-Maxillary Osteomyelitis Caused by Actinomycetes in a Patient with Severe COVID-19

Osteomyelitis bi-maxilar crónica causada por Actinomycetes en un paciente con COVID-19 severo


Osteomyelitis is defined as the inflammation of the either medullary, cortical, or cancellous bone, including nerves and blood vessels, causing necrosis and bone sequestrum formation; this condition has become a rare pathology, and odontogenic infections are considered the most frequent causal factor. This case shows a patient with bi-maxillary osteomyelitis caused by Actinomyces spp, which was worsened for severe COVID-19 infection. Patient was submitted at surgery as, amplified total bilateral maxillectomy through the surgical technique Weber-Fergusson, and prolonged use of combination of antibiotics, achieved a good recovery. Two years later follow- up, the patient no show imaging or clinical evidence of the infection of osteomyelitis. The present case shows an interesting relationship between a rare infection and its association with COVID-19.

Keywords Actinomyces; Bilateral maxillectomy; COVID-19; Osteomyelitis

None Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, San Pedro, San José, San José, CR, 2060, 2511-8102, 2234-9207 - E-mail:
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