Open-access Prophylactic Extraction of Third Molars: Evidence-Based Dentistry

Extracción profiláctica de terceros molares: Odontología Basada en la Evidencia


This new perspective article was performed to investigate the evidence from published dental literature about the prophylactic extraction of asymptomatic (or disease-free) impacted third molars (ITM) in adolescents and young adults. This clinical procedure is common until today and has been the origin of controversy among the dental community worldwide. However, evidence-based data from wellconducted clinical studies and systematic reviews are not sufficient to justify the routine prophylactic extraction of ITM. Active surveillance at regular intervals has been proposed as a better management strategy. As a conclusion, surgical removal of ITM is only justified in the presence of specific pathosis, independently of the patient’s age.

Keywords: Prophylactic removal; Impacted third molars

None Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, San Pedro, San José, San José, CR, 2060, 2511-8102, 2234-9207 - E-mail:
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