Open-access Comparison between the manual system of stainless steel files and the rotating system of nickel titanium files in the conformation of curved radicular ducts in vitro


Introduction:  An experimental study was carried out to compare the effect of the manual system and the rotary system on the conformation of curved conduits. Methodology: A sample of 40 mesial roots of lower first molars was randomized into two equal groups: group manual system of K-files and group rotary system FGK Race®. The radius of the final curvature vs. the initial curvature was compared using the Autocat 2015 program. The t-test with a significance of 0.05 was used. Results: The curvature radius varied significantly for both the manual system and the rotary FGK Race® (p = 0.0001 and p = 0.0013, respectively). In addition, the manual system produced greater variation in the radius of the curvature when compared to the rotary system 2.23mm vs. 1.27mm respectively; p = 0.13. Conclusion: Both systems produced modification on the conformation of the conduits of the mesial roots; however, in the comparison between both systems said differences were not significant.

Key words : Manual endodontic system; FKG Race® endodontic system; curved canals; radius of curvature; first lower molars

None San Pedro, Lourdes de Montes de Oca, San Pedro, Lourdes de Montes de Oca, San Pedro, Lourdes de Montes de Oca, CR, 1571-2050, 2207-6154, 2551-8020 - E-mail:
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