Open-access Management and Follow-up of Orthodontic Forced Extrusion: A Case Report


The case of an adult patient with a complicated Crown fracture of the right upper canine due to trauma is reported, diagnosing a class VII Ellis coronal fracture.

There are several treatment alternatives that range from the extraction, placement of a bone graft and placement of an implant, to a forced root extrusión with bone removal to allow the biological space and subsequently be restored.

In the present case, a multidisciplinary orthodontic forced extrusion treatment is performed, which allows to increase the amount of clinical remnant, preserving the periodontal support and maintaining the biologic thickness, thus achieving to maintain the root remnant with good length so that prosthetic rehabilitation is facilitated.

The clinical and radiographic follow-up was 12 months.

The multidisciplinary treatment involved: Root canal treatment, forced extrusion with orthodontics, fibrotomy with root planing and fixed prosthesis.

Key words: Trauma; Coronary fracture; Endodontics; Forcedextrusion; Prosthetic Restoration

None San Pedro, Lourdes de Montes de Oca, San Pedro, Lourdes de Montes de Oca, San Pedro, Lourdes de Montes de Oca, CR, 1571-2050, 2207-6154, 2551-8020 - E-mail:
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