Open-access Productos finales de glicación (AGES) y la nefropatía diabética

Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are a heterogenous group of molecules that are generated through nonenzimatic glycation and oxidation of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. Enhanced formation and accumulation of AGEs has been reported to occur in conditions such as diabetes mellitus as well as in natural aging. AGEs mediate their effects through three main mechanism: 1) cross linking extracellular (matrix) proteins thereby affecting tissue mechanical properties, 2) cross linking intracellular proteins thus altering their physiological functios and 3) binding to their cell surface receptor RAGE to inducing multiple intracellular signalling cascades. The accumulation of AGEs in tissue proteins has been implicated in diabetic vascular complications, such as retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy. In the diabetic nephropathy AGEs contribute to the development and progression of this renal disease.

Glycosylation end products; advanced; Maillard reaction; Diabetes complications; Glomerular basement membrane

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