Open-access Abuso y Maltrato en el Adulto Mayor


Abuse in older adults lacks of congruence in regard to its definition and interpretation. The World Health Organization provides an appropriate and unified definition, which describes abuse in an elder as any isolated or repeated act, or to the lack of proper action, occurred in any relationship where trust is expected in such way that causes harm in the individual.

This population group is particularly vulnerable because there is a probability that eventually, in a higher or lesser degree, dependence will appear. Physical, psychological, economical abuse and neglect are some of the most important types.

It is important to acknowledge abuse and its clinical components. However, primary prevention should be the main focus. Some of the paths for prevention include the law framework of a determinate country, and most importantly, raising a culture of education and awareness among health care providers, family members and the general population.

Key words: Abuse; Mistreatment; Older adult; Types of abuse; Neglect; Management; Prevention

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