Open-access Tosferina, una enfermedad prevalente

An increase on vaccionation worldwide has significantly reduced the sickness rate and mortality due to tosferine. However, during last years, the epidimiolgy of this disease in countries with high vaccination coverage has changed, with a trend to increase. It has been proposed the adolescents and adults that lose their inmunity function as reservoirs of the disease, increasing the contagion to more susceptible individual such as children. According to the Costa Rican Ministry of Health, the incidence of the disease has increased substantially during last years, becoming a public health problem. For the diagnosis of the disease there are multiple tests available, each one with its’ advantages and disadvantages, according to the experts the recommendation is to combine them so that a certain diagnostic can be achieved. These hypothesis and the key elements of tosferine are discussed in this article.

Whooping Cough; Bordetella pertussis; Pertussis Vaccine.

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