Open-access Filicidal women: Analysis from a psycho-legal perspective


This paper aims to identify if there is a psycho-juridical perspective of the crime of homicide of a mother towards her children (Filicide) and its main characteristics. It is a documentary review, in which 67 articles were selected between the years 2005-2017 in English and Spanish, databases such as; Science Direct, Redalyc, MedLine, PubMed, Scielo. As a result of this review we did not find any document that contains a legal psychology approach that addresses this crime. It was proposed to classify this punishable conduct according to two typologies in which the motivation of the aggressor and characteristics of the victim are considered, several gaps are considered in the laws, which intends to chart a way for investigations from this area, that can Contribute to the prevention and mitigation of this type of events and contribute to future public politics

Key words: Filicide; maternal filicide; homicide; child abuse; motivation; crime; punishable conduct

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