Open-access Importance of the medical legal expertise of the imprisoned

In this essay it is checked the hostile decay, in El Salvador and Costa Rica, that has reached the penitentiary institutions and that is characterized by the heaping which leads to a limitation of the satisfaction of many needs, that are treated and correlated with violence within the jail that goes from physical, emotional or sexual abuse up to suicide or homicide. Prison is an aggressive environment for the individual, that’s why it is analyzed how to put in practice minimum rules that can assure that the rights for the imprisoned. Inn this comparative essay it is considered the role of the prison’s doctor, also of the forensic doctor and their duty to guard the depriver’s health and the Universal Human Rights, as well is intended to fill a spot inside society offering the opportunity to think about this topic.

Hostile decay; El Salvador; Costa Rica; penitentiary institutions; violence within the jails; abuse; prison; rights; imprisoned; society; to think

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