Open-access Ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast with apocrine characteristics: case report


We present the case of a 69 year old female diagnosed with a ductal in situ carcinoma of the breast. The tumor had apocrine differentiation and a high nuclear grade. The clinical presentation corresponded to microcalcifications detected on mammography, which were histologically patent in the form of comedo type necrosis. The aforementioned apocrine differentiation was reassured using the aid of immunohistochemistry. The biopsy was an excisional biopsy, but due to positive quirurgical margins, the patient was later reintervened for total mastectomy.

Key words In situ ductal carcinoma; apocrine carcinoma; van Nuys scale; estrogen receptors; progesterone receptors; androgen receptors; GCDFP15

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