Open-access Risk of complicated appendicitis in the diabetic patient


Acute Appendicitis is one of the most common surgical causes for abdominal pain in the world. It occurs in a variety of age groups and its clinical presentation vary from one group to another. Additionally, there are several chronic conditions that can blurry the usual symptomatology of the disease, among them diabetes mellitus. In the last decades the incidence of diabetes mellitus has increased considerably, therefore it is more common for a diabetic patient to suffer from appendicitis. Also the delay between the beginning of the symptoms and the diagnosis of appendicitis is a risk factor for the development of complicated acute appendicitis. Thus it is important to know the complications and the impact that diabetes mellitus can have over the clinical presentation of acute appendicitis, thereby an accurate diagnose can be made in the shortest time possible.

Key words: Appendicitis; Diabetes Mellitus; complications; perforation

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