Open-access Prevalence of chronic noncommunicable diseases in persons deprived of liberty in Costa Rica


Through a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study, a comparison is made between the prison population of the Unidad de Atención Integral (UAI) 20 de diciembre and the total Costa Rican prison population. Until recently, there has been an important change in the morbimortality of persons deprived of liberty in the penitentiary environment, going from an almost unicausal model of infectious origin, to processes of multiple etiology, with little predictable development and a high percentage of public health expenditure. The following study determines the existing similarity in the prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases at the country level, the national prison system and the UAI December 20.

Key words: Health; health care; penitentiary center

None Apdo. 187-3007 San Joaquín de Flores , Heredia Costa Rica, San Joaquin de Flores, Heredia, CR, 187-3007, 2277-4128 - E-mail:
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