Open-access The epistemic course of Forensic Psychology


Forensic psychology requires maintaining the scientific rigor of its practice to contribute to the clarification of the facts that are of interest in legal contexts. To the extent that greater objectivity is guaranteed in the study of the psychological components of aggressors and victims, it contributes more effectively to the administration of restorative justice. The objective of this article is to identify the main elements that contribute to the increase in the scientific nature of the practice of forensic psychology. The methodology used is theoretical, basic and descriptive, carrying out a logical-epistemic-prospective study using the analytical-synthetic method. The search and selection of information allowed the analysis of several essential aspects. The epistemic channel of forensic psychology is one that allows understanding, analyzing, and arguing different behaviors of subjects of legal interest. Share the significant interest in the veracity, validity, and reliability of the victim, accused, witnesses, other experts, parties to the legal process and the person responsible for administering justice. For this, ethics, theory, hypothesis, and methodology are used as axes of this conception.

Keywords: Forensic psychology, knowledge, methodology; ethics

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