Open-access Propuesta de protocolo de abordaje de mujeres víctimas de delitos sexuales que son atendidas en la sección clínica médico forense y en las unidades médico legales del departamento de medicina legal del Organismo de Investigación Judicial Poder Judicial - Costa Rica

Sex crimes are among the most common reasons for consultation in Clinical Forensic Medicine Section and the Legal Medical Units of the Department of Judicial Investigation Organization of the Judiciary of Costa Rica Legal Medicine and to date there is no formal protocol of approach to the valuation of these. The development of a forensic protocol addressing victims of sexual offenses in itself has some negligible benefits including: promote the minimization of errors in the process of collecting data and evidence, properly collect information enabling prospective studies, promoting everything previously noted the development of a quality Medical Legal Opinion.

Protocol; sexual offences; Legal medical opinion; quality

None Apdo. 187-3007 San Joaquín de Flores , Heredia Costa Rica, San Joaquin de Flores, Heredia, CR, 187-3007, 2277-4128 - E-mail:
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