Open-access Analysis of the evaluation criteria used for life pension cases in a child with Autism. Report of a case with a forensic medical approach


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by some degree of difficulty in social interaction and communication, which begins in the early development period, and is classified according to the degree of severity in grade 1, 2 and 3, as established in the DSM-5. Said Disorder is covered by Law 7125 of Life Pension for people with deep cerebral palsy, and its reform 8769. In order to analyze the criteria established for the assessment of these processes, the case of a 6-year-old male person with diagnosis of ASD, of whom a lawsuit was filed to be taken into account within said Law. In it and after the respective analysis, according to the data of the updated scientific literature, and the established criteria, it was possible to verify that if qualified as indicated in Law 7125.

Key words: Autism spectrum disorder; pensions; cerebral palsy; forensic medicine

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