Open-access Analysis of Game Situations in the Design of Tasks in Training Basketball


Introduction:  Currently, Knowledge of training is essential to optimize player training. Therefore, one of the strategies most used by coaches to optimize the training process is to modify the number of players (Game Situation).

Purpose:  The objective of the study was to analyze the teaching-learning process of a school-age basketball coach, as well as to know the association of the Game Situation and the Pedagogical, External Load and Organizational variables used that influence the design of the tasks.

Method:  For this, a total of 20 training sessions consisting of 100 tasks, recorded through the Comprehensive System for the Analysis of Training Tasks, were analyzed. A descriptive and inferential analysis was carried out between the variables raised in the research in relation to the Game Situation.

Results:  The results demonstrated the significant relationship of the variables analyzed with the Game Situation. The way the players are grouped during the development of the training tasks conditions the results of the rest of the variables that define a training task, both at a pedagogical, organizational, and external load level.

Conclusion:  These evidences vindicate the importance of knowing the factors that influence training tasks. In addition, the results show that there are differences in the use of Game Situations depending on the rest of the variables used.

Keywords: Basketball; Training; Methodology; SIATE

None Universidad Nacional, Campus Benjamín Núñez, Escuela Ciencias del Movimiento Humano y Calidad de Vida, Heredia, Heredia, Costa Rica, Heredia, Costa Rica, CR, 86-3000, 2562-4779, 2261-0032 - E-mail:
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