Open-access Artistic instruction as a means of language and cognitive development

This article consists of a series of activities that students used when presented with a particular problem or need in the classroom. It focuses on the artistic and creative use of commonly available items in the teaching of elementary -school aged students with special needs or learning challenge. Those involved in the creation of each artistic tool focused on researching special education needs and, based on their findings, selected a topic from the instruction program of the Ministry of Education of Costa Rica. Based on prior learning and with a problem to solve, they constructed educational tools. As a result of this learning exercise and the research into language development and cognition, the participants presented worthwhile educational tools that might be used by other students and educators in their educational endeavors. This exercise was completed during a course entitled, "Artistic Expression in the Teaching of English" at the Guanacaste campus of the University of Costa Rica.

Education; Instructional material; Special Education needs

None Universidad de Costa Rica. , San José, San José/San José/San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR, Apartado 2060, (506) 2690-0654, (506) 2666-1206 - E-mail:
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